3-Week Mini-Series

The Blessing

Class part 1 audio            handout

Class part 2 audio            handout

Class part 3 audio            handout


Begins October 8

Topic: coming soon

@ 8:30 am & 10 am in the Adult Portable


Archived Seminars Below

The historical revivals in America

The First Great Awakening: 1730 – 1740       video     handout

The Second Great Awakening: 1800 – 1840    video      handout

The Third Great Awakening: 1860 – 1930       video      handout

The Fourth Great Awakening: 1950 – 1970      video      handout 

Apologia (apologetics: reasons for faith)

A two week course

Part 1  handout   video presentation

Part 2  handout   video presentation


The Case for Miracles

Session 1  Questions about the Miraculous     video    handout

Session 2  Evidence for Genuine Miracles     video        handout

Session 3  When Miracles Don’t Happen   video             handout

People of the Book

Office Hours:
Monday- Friday 9 am - 3 pm

(360) 683-4194
Email us