“You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. ”
ACTS 1:8Missions Workshop
“Ever Increasing Extraordinary Prayer”
Saturday, Sept. 28 • 3 pm • Geneva Hall
Missions Lunch
Sunday, Sept. 29 • 12:15 pm • South Building Lobby
Ongoing Opportunities
Missions are an important part of our ministry at Sequim Community Church. Some of our regular service opportunities include:
- Mexico Mission – a service week for members our youth group, at Door of Faith Orphange in Mexico. This is funded by our auction in March.
- Beautiful Day – a service day the last Saturday of April, involving multiple churches, non-profits and companies in our area, as we serve and beautify our community. This year we hope to expand our service to Port Angeles and Port Townsend.
- Providing prayer and financial support to the many missionaries and organizations on our list. If you’d like details, contact the office for a Missons booklet.
Ongoing missions endeavors
Operating budget going to Missions
International Missionaries Supported
more volunteer needed: YOU!
SCC supports many international and local ministries
– please continue to pray for them
SCC mission funds regularly support 25 international ministries. (Seven of the families are part of EPC World Outreach, our denomination’s mission agency). In additon there are nine local ministries we help fund that directly impact our community and the Olympic Peninsula. To get specifics and prayer requests please drop by the church office and pick up our recently updated World Outreach booklet.
Office Hours:
Monday- Friday 9 am - 3 pm