Dr. Jeff Chandler
Lead Pastor
I have a great love for God, people, and a deep commitment to scripture and service. In my free time, I like to hike, read, watch movies, root for NW teams and cycle. I’m married to Susan and we have two adult children.

Rev. Rick Dietzman
Associate Pastor
One of my life mottos is reflected in the SCC core value: “Life change happens best in small groups.” This role is a perfect fit for the way God has wired me. My wife Andrea and I have three children.

Kristi Godwin
Worship, Music & Arts Director
My life has been surrounded by music from a young age. I’m married to Isaac and we have seven children. I’ve been blessed to be the Worship director at SCC for 5 years!

Keith Sandell
Youth & Young Adult Ministries Director
Sequim has been my home since 2016, and is where I met my incredible wife Jaysa. We have one child. In my free time, I enjoy hiking, traveling, reading, and watching and playing sports.

Eli Webb
Children's Ministries Director
When I was 16, I left behind religion for a relationship with Jesus and I have never been the same. My wife Aimee and I have one child, and a desire to teach & experience the life-changing power of the gospel.

Chris Whitmarsh
Facilities and Information Technologies Director
I’ve been married to my amazing wife Kim for 23 years and we have three great kids who are active at SCC. I am so thankful that God has blessed me with the opportunity to do Kingdom work.

Allie Gale
Administrative Assistant
I grew up attending SCC and have been a part of the kids and youth ministries. I joined the staff of SCC in Spring 2024 and am so excited to be able to give back to the church family.

Melody Wilson
Finance Manager
I love this church and this body of believers and am humbled to serve you and share my decades of experience in finance. I am married to Kevin and we have 4 children & 5 grandchildren.

Norma Franco
Premise Keeper
I started working at SCC in 2002 in the nusery and now care for the buildings and prepare for events. I love my family church and am happy to serve. I am married to Jose and we have three children.