Missions Weekend
Saturday February 15 from 3-5 pm in Geneva Hall
Choose 2 of the 4 Breakout topics
- New Hope Opportunities school in Honduras – Marne Cottriel
- Hope 61 – Combating human trafficking – Darren Sweeney
- Equiping national pastors & church planters – Dr. Mike Kuhn
- Mobilizing young adults into missions – Andrea Craddock
Sunday February 16 at 8:30 and 10 am in the Adult Portable
- “What SCC Missions is all about Q&A”
Special Speaker Dr. Mike Kuhn at both services
Followed by 12:15 pm lunch for Asia Trip Report
SCC supports many international and local ministries – please continue to pray for them
SCC mission funds regularly support 25 international ministries. (Seven of the families are part of EPC World Outreach, our denomination’s mission agency).
In addition there are nine local ministries we help fund that directly impact our community and the Olympic Peninsula.
To get specifics and prayer requests please drop by the church office and pick up our recently updated World Outreach booklet.
Set Your Faith in Motion

In November and December take a tag from a mission tree. Keep the tag and pray for that missionary through the year. Make a donation to SCC Missions and bless a missionary family at Christmas. Be sure to write Mission Tree in the memo of your check!

Guest Experience
Be the first to welcome guests as they arrive, answer questions, help them find the right worship service and assist them in finding their next steps at SCC.

Kid’s Ministry
Are you a caring adult looking to make a difference in the lives of elementary children? We have plenty of opportunities to bless students at SCC!

Help create an environment that removes distractions and draws people into worship and connection with God. No prior tech skills or experience necessary.

Our worship team helps create an opportunity for people to connect with God. We are always interested in vocalists and musicians to join the team. All levels of experience are invited to learn more.

Youth Ministry
Assist Keith Sandell in ministering to youth. We have opportunities on Wednesday and Sunday evenings, and during special events like camp and off-campus activities.

Building & Grounds
Serve behind the scenes, making our buildings ready for ministry. Volunteers needed to perform general maintenance and skilled repairs. All levels welcome!

Food Ministry
Our Congregational Life committee is dedicated to preparing meals for the church to share, catering special events, creating fellowship, and welcoming guests.

A group of specially trained people who provide one-to-one Christian care to hurting people in and around our congregation. If you’re experiencing emotional pain and need someone to walk with you through a difficult time in your life contact the church office and we’ll put you in touch with a caring Stephen minister.

Deacons are the caring arm of our church. If you have a need, please let us know and we will team you up with the Deacon best suited to assist you – email or phone the church office. Deacon areas of ministry are: Communion, Deacon Fund, Home Assistance, Home Bound, Meal Ministry, Memorials, Nominating, Prayer Chain, Secretary, Telecare, Transportation and Elder Liaison

Parents of Addicted Loved Ones
This program is for parents, spouses or family members over the age of 18 who are parenting an addicted loved one. Please contact the church office for meeting times. You can find more details at