Adult Ministries
We grow closer to God and one another through community, Bible study, prayer, and relying on God to transform us into courageous people committed to His mission.
Women’s Ministries
We’re here to help you develop strong relationships and unshakeable bonds with other women. No matter your age, background, or stage in life, we believe God created you to play a significant role in the advancement of His kingdom.
Heart to Heart
Meets Tuesday mornings at 9:30 am in the Fellowship Center. Past presentations can be viewed on our Vimeo Showcase.
Galentine’s Tea Party
Saturday, February 8 at 11 am in the SCC Fellowship Center Featuring special guest speaker Natasha Forbes.
Meets Friday mornings at 9:30 am in the Geneva Room. Our Fall teaching series is “The Book of Hebrews: Jesus Above All Things.” Childcare is available – please sign up and let us know you’re coming.
Men’s Ministries
Our brotherhood reliant on Christ, making us strong, courageous, and generous! We walk together as men who believe in Jesus and want to grow with each other as followers of Christ. Join us for upcoming events and activities, as well as in community with small groups.
Men’s Bible Study
Saturdays • 7:30 am
Meets year-round in Geneva Hall. Led by Pastor Rick Dietzman. Drop-ins welcome! No need to sign up.